Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I've been looking for a coin that still feels like you can get in the ground floor. After looking through a few sites I ran across Stablecoin. It seems to have some good development support. As far as I can tell since the relaunch the dev team has been active and posting on various forum.

Right out the gate I had a problem. I installed the client and launched it then nothing happened. I couldn't sync to the network. I had created my c:\users\appdata\roaming\stablecoin\stablecoin.conf file as specified from the dev's post on a couple of forums.  No luck I was getting no peer connections.

After a few Google searches I found a couple of peer address that allowed me to connect to the network. I then went through my log file and skimmed off a few more peer address. It's late now so I'm not setting up any mining yet and I'm waiting for the wallet to sync anyway.

I'm not going to throw any hashes at something that as a forum user with the same sync problem I have put it "All the lights are on but no one is home". After the sync I'll let it stand and see if my connection to peers is stable before doing any mining.

For those interested in Stablecoin the stablecoin.conf file I used is:

rpcuser=username  <-change this
rpcpassword=password <- change this

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